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Buyer’s Guide to Choosing the Best Cloud Managed Service Providers

Proper management of your cloud lays the foundation for achieving the digital growth you dream of. For that, the perfect cloud managed service provider can be your biggest ally.  

As 49% of enterprises state, they can now focus on their core business operations while ensuring the smooth functioning of their cloud environment through the range of services their cloud managed service providers offer.  

So, to make the most out of their services, the most crucial aspect is your choice of a cloud managed service provider. A choice that should be made after intense thought and consideration.

In this blog, explore the factors to consider while choosing a cloud managed service provider that suits your business.

5 Factors to Consider While Choosing Cloud Managed Service Providers

Availability of required services and solutions

When choosing a cloud managed service provider, ensure that they have the services and solutions you will need to meet your business requirements. You should also analyze the reliability and performance of their services and solutions.  

This includes:  

  • Provider’s uptime record  
  • Data protection measures  
  • Response times

By evaluating these factors, you can ensure that the provider has a proven track record of delivering reliable and high-performing services and solutions. If you have specific security, compliance, or data storage needs, you need to confirm that they can accommodate these requirements.

Some providers may have expertise in certain industries, such as healthcare or finance, while others may offer more general services. You should choose a provider that can meet your specific needs and provide the services that are most relevant to your business.

Support and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Support agreements help you choose a cloud managed service provider by establishing the quality and level of service that you can expect from the provider. The SLA outlines the terms and conditions of the services provided, including the level of uptime, response time, and availability of support.  

The support agreement outlines the type and level of support that the provider offers, such as 24/7 support, phone support, and email support. By reviewing the SLA and support agreement, you can ensure that the provider meets your specific requirements and determine if they can provide the level of service that you require.

Technology foresight

Here’s how a cloud managed service provider’s technology foresight can help you:

  • Future-proof services: They can provide services that are designed to withstand the test of time and be relevant even as technology evolves. This means that the services you receive will not become obsolete quickly and that your business can continue to benefit from them for years to come.
  • Integration of new technologies: They have the ability to integrate new and emerging technologies into their offerings, providing their clients with the latest tools and solutions. This helps you stay ahead of your competition and provides a competitive edge for your business.
  • Technology roadmap: They can provide you with a roadmap of future technological advancements and how they will integrate with your current systems. So, you can plan and make informed decisions about technology investments, ensuring that your business remains on the cutting edge.
  • Expertise: They are knowledgeable about the latest trends and developments in technology. This expertise can be invaluable in helping you navigate the ever-changing technological landscape and make informed decisions about your business’s technological needs.

Case studies and reviews

Social proof can be a valuable resource when choosing a cloud managed service provider, as it can provide insights into the experiences of others with different providers.

Understand the level of customer satisfaction with a particular provider by reading customer reviews and testimonials. Learn about the provider’s strengths such as reliable uptime, fast performance, and excellent customer support, as well as any weaknesses such as high costs or limited features.

Gain valuable insights from case studies into the experiences of others with a particular provider. This gives you a deeper idea about the specific challenges that companies have faced before using their services and how well the provider has addressed those challenges.

A cloud managed service provider that is highly rated or recommended by industry experts is likely to have a strong reputation for performance, reliability, and value. So, ratings and recommendations from industry experts and organizations can also help you make an informed decision.

Compliance regulations followed

Compliance regulations are laws and standards that you must adhere to operate legally and to securely handle sensitive data. These regulations dictate the minimum security requirements that the cloud managed service provider must meet to deliver their services.

By choosing a provider that is compliant with relevant regulations, you can ensure that they have taken the necessary steps to secure your data, such as implementing strong encryption, maintaining secure data centers, and undergoing regular security audits. Compliance also means that the provider has a track record of meeting regulatory requirements and has processes in place to continue doing so.

So, in short, before zooming in on a provider, make sure you have considered the above factors.

Ace Your Operations with SecureKloud’s Cloud Managed Services

Gain agility, uninterrupted business continuity, and high availability through our automated approach to cloud management and state-of-the-art DevOps practices.  

As a leading cloud managed service partner, SecureKloud has helped 300+ enterprises including F500 companies help ace their journey on the cloud through our array of services like:

  • Automation and DevOps
  • Cloud security and compliance
  • Cloud monitoring & reporting
  • Cloud deployment
  • Cloud migration (and many more)

With proper cloud managed services, focus on your core business instead of getting caught up with cloud management challenges.  

In the quest for a cloud managed service provider? Our experts are here to help you out of your cloud challenges.

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Sreedevi R

Sreedevi R

A passionate writer who crafts captivating content that blends technical jargons with creative flair.

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